Second Drafts

There’s this weird feeling when I realize I’ve written myself into a corner, where the problems can’t be evaded. A yogi couldn’t stretch through this. And I’m merely flailing. I needed to establish arcs, flesh out details, and establish cast 50k words ago.

And then I think, oh right, second draft time. That’s what this is: time for a second draft. There’s a term for it.

And all the tension, frustration, and questions collapse into anticlimax.


Pencil sharpeners are nice.

The grindy type are better than the blade type. The bladed ones tend to shred the wooden sidewalls, but a good grindy sharpener doesn’t.


I used to think my undergrads threw temper tantrums.

I recently told a 5yo she couldn’t have the toy she wanted.

I apologize to my undergrads.

What Not To Do: Sales

The post was a link to someone selling something. The seller not being welcoming.

However I learned that posts like mine can lead to brigading or other such nasty behavoir. I do not want to do that. My mistake, shouldn’t a’ made the post, etc.

TV Tropes

You know how sometimes characters…have hands!?!?!?!?

Often, the most important character will have…a name!!!!

Subverted when the main character…doesn’t have a name.


Ending a sentence with a preposition is the sort of thing up with which I shall put.

Coincidentally, you can look up English grammar. If you’ve got a question, or a couple formulations both feel right and you’re curious if there’s a rule, try looking up the answer in CMOS (Chicago Manual of Style). If one choice feels particularly better, clearer, demonstrates better character voice, etc. then use that. But if two choices feel about the same, CMOS might have a clear rule. At the very least, following the rule gives you cover when some pedant decides to interrupt.