
I’ve always wanted to end a book with the line, “And in that moment all hope was lost.”


My copy of the Two Towers is falling apart. It hasn’t had a cover for years, and now pages are falling out. I really should throw it away, but I don’t want to.

That’s silly, you know? I’ve got another copy.

But I don’t want to throw the old one away. I like it.


WSJ is forcing me to choose between an ad blocker and noscript, and their website. I’ve been a paying subscriber for years.

If that’s my choice, I’ll take the ad blocker and noscript, and save the money.


Went for a walk, and a dog started barking at me. I told him, quite conversationally, that if he didn’t stop, I was going to take his barking license.

He yelped and ran off.

So let this be a lesson to you all!

Pixel Android

Google really just hates their customers. There’s malice in there, like the orcs of Mordor. I don’t know any other company as purely evil, driven by a lust of inflicting pain, as Google.

Little Blocks

I get stuck writing the weirdest little scenes. What works for me is just writing the scene over and over again, or alternate scenes that fit that point in the story.

But they’re weird little scenes. I’ve done one where Kog talks to a lady in a hospital at least a dozen times, and big scenes, openings and endings, get dozens and dozens of rewrites.

What if?

If you ever see one of those thought experiments wherein ‘If physics property XXX changes by 1%, what would happen?’ the answer is: within 24 hours, the overwhelming majority of humanity would die.

That’s not to say everyone would. Unless it’s something cosmological like the gravitational coefficient, some people would probably live. Further, after a while, things would stabilize and those people would probably find a way to keep living. But in the short term, one day to one week? 99% of all people dead.