Sports Statistics

Sports talk media has to be some kind of Orwellian or Dadaist nightmare. It’s a never ending search for more and more incomprehensible stats.

‘When Team A is ahead by fifty points or more by the half, they almost always win.’

No kidding.

The Dread

There’s this dread floating around, a dread of an unknowable and terrible enemy force.

But the enemy force is the other side of American politics. It’s people across the aisle. They’re not orcs. They’re not dragons. They just disagree.

The virus is inhuman. It’s not a person. Covid doesn’t have emotions, and it can’t be reasoned with. It must be understood and dealt with, but there is no cognizance there.

People aren’t diseases. Sometimes, they just disagree with you, and the odd refusal to understand the other side is a poison. Once people refuse to believe that the other side could be thinking rationally, that there is no logic there and there cannot be logic over there, then neighbors, friends, and family become orcs. They become Sauron’s forces.

But they’re not. They just disagree.


If I buy Comcast stock, I can actively vote against their management every year. But I’m directly, financially supporting Comcast.

I’m doing that anyway, because they’re the only broadband provider in my building.

Is it worth hate-purchasing a share of stock? My head says no, but the heart wants what it wants.


If you’re curious what I’m reading, I’m on Goodreads. I added a link to the Books section.

I imagine it’s more or less what you expect: a bunch of fantasy, some philosophical texts. I also read a lot of technical manuals and programming books, but I rarely finish those so I don’t log them.