Love Triangle

Alice has two potential boyfriends, Bob and Charlie.

Bob is handsome and rich, but puts work ahead of relationships.

Charlie is handsome, not quite as rich, and eats people.

Alice is torn. Which boy is right for her?

And That’s Why They Fell to Ruin

There is no mention of insurance in LotR, but by historical norms, a major seafaring nation like either Gondor or Numenor would have had insurance industries.

Gondor would have Dark Lord coverage. Dragon deductables. Barrow-wight burglary and theft policies.


“There’s a guy inside me who wants to lay in bed, and smoke weed all day, and watch cartoons, and old movies. I could easily do that. My whole life is a series of stratagems to avoid, and outwit, that guy.”

Anthony Bourdain.

It’s not weed, cartoons, and old movies for me, but I get that. Yet Bourdain did not come to a good end. That worries me.

Classes of Amber

Julian: Ranger
Corwin: Fighter/Bard
Gerard: Monk/Cleric
Brand: Sorcerer/Warlock
Fiona: Wizard/Warlock (If she had any rogue levels, Brand would have been dead!)
Bleys: Rogue/Sorcerer
Caine: Loser
Benedict: Fighter, all Fighter, all the time, multiclassed into more Fighter, currently levelling up Fightest
Llwewlla: NPC
Flora: Rogue
Random: Bard
Merlin: Wizard