
I’m taking the Great Book of Amber and going into the mountains. Good luck everyone, and try not to start the apocalypse without me.


Just in case there was ANY question, this is a fantastic line:

And into this ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life.

Vacation Rentals

Dear Vacation Rental Website Designers,

Please show me when the rental is available. Please. Pretty please. Stop making me put in dozens of dates to guess. Just show me the availability.




A is used as an indefinite article before a noun beginning with a consonant sound. An is used similarly before a vowel sound. This follows local pronunciation and how concerned you are with someone being wrong on the internet.

In the US, herb is pronounced without the preceding h. An American would write an herb. In the UK, the h is pronounced, so there one would write a herb. U is pronounced with a y sound before it, so I say a union. I would also say an onion.

The last time I was Canada I noticed both pronunciations. I also haven’t heard anyone say a hour (h-our) with the h enunciated.


I was thinking about what my objective is, in general, within the issue of this current time of tumult.

It’s not to hurt the bad guys but help everyone. I’d like to see people or all races, creeds, and denominations welcomed into the same place I am. Nothing is easy, but success is accomplishable. I’d like to bring people into that world.


Apparently Colorado is big on yurts.

I’m confused.

The term yurt is central Asian. The native American tribes of this locality didn’t use yurts. They had various tentlike dwellings, and still do, but those weren’t yurts. We have yurts and cabins around these parts, and lots of them.

It does sound incredibly fun, but why yurts?