The Book of Treacherous Prophecy says, “When you get to the fork in the road, go left.”
Player 1: “That’s confusing.”
Player 2: “It’s a prophecy. You know how they try to mislead you.”
Player 3: “Hey! We’ve come to a fork in the road.”
P1: “Just like the prophecy foretold! What do we do?”
P2: “We go left.”
P3: “But what does ‘left’ mean?”
P2: “I don’t know. You know how those prophecies mislead you.”
P1: “Left is the opposite of right, right?”
P3: “Right.”
P1: “And the book wants us to go left.”
P2: “Right.”
P1: “So we should go the opposite way.”
P3: “Right!”
P2: “To the right!”
P3: “Good thinking all around!”
Players fight a dragon. Truly, the book is treacherous.