Who is where

As of chapter 20 of the Nine.

Random’s in Mordor, imprisoned in Barad Dur. Sauron announced his plan to give Random a Ring, but it hasn’t happened yet. (CH 20)

Fiona’s in Amber, sitting in a garret. She’s just looked into her trumps and seen Random. She believes him dead. (Ch 19)

Llewella’s in Rebma, having just slaim Rog the Serpent. (CH 17)

Bleys is somewhere unknown. (Various)

Tatianna’s in Amber castle, sort of under arrest. She has designs upon Julian. (CH 16)

Julian is in Amber. (CH 16)

Caine’s in an ER in Amber. (CH 16)

Gerard is off in shadow, getting his arm looked at. (Various, most recently 16)

ADM Dracken lies unconscious in a ruined part of Amber, outside the house he once lived in. (CH 15)

Obrecht has just left the same part of Amber. Bleys has spoken of him to Llewella, and she said she’d look after Obrecht if he came to Rebma. (Various)

Vialle is in Amber. (CH 19)

Flora’s in Amber. (various)

Everyone else is unknown, elsewhere, or dead.

I’m not back.

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