
I’ve had a lot of problems blogging recently. Getting the Nine out the door on Sundays and Wednesdays is fairly difficult and working DM in the background consumes a lot of my free energy. The Nine needs more dragons.

I’m reading Redwall, which I’ve meant to start for a while. It’s good. I’ve also got Neverwhere on deck. I read Neverwhere years ago but don’t remember it much. At the time I was underwhelmed, but people whose opinions on books I trust have raved about it. I might not have read it closely or perhaps was otherwise distracted, so it’s worth a second look. Besides, all books are free at the library, so I can’t afford not to read it, right?

It’s motorcycle weather again. I’m hoping to put some miles down this weekend.

Take care, everyone.


Happy Monday, world!

If you’re a reader, either of my work or not, thank you! Good luck.

If you’re a writer and struggling, keep going! Ask for help if you need it, and I’m rooting for you, hoping you’re rooting for me.

If you’re neither, you still have struggles, dreams, and ambition. Do everything you can and be amazed at how much more that is than you expected.

Luck is preparation meeting coincidence.


My writing process is me, terribly sleep deprived, slamming unhealthy supplements while I open tabs of Firefox and make myself close them before I look at crap. Then I make jokes no one gets and somewhere a tragedy happens that makes it seem like I’m laughing at dead people. Seriously, the world is convergent. I laugh at a rabbit getting booped, and twenty minutes later the Russian Rabbit Apartment Complex goes up in flames with two hundred dead.

I miss my books; I miss my bed; I want a dog. Happy St Patrick’s Day.


I did some backend work today. Everything should be up and running. There are no more new user registrations, as they all seemed to be spam.

I live on a 6.5 day week, and I’m doing Gerard next in the Nine. Given I write with the linearity squirrels run across roadways, expect a four chapter digression on Amber’s dental care scene, and illegal flouride-based shadow raves. Follow your dreams, child. Follow your dreams because they stole my money.


Doing some updating this weekend. Will probably break the website.

Good luck, self.


March 14th is pi Day among American nerds. Yes, it’s lower case because that’s how I’ve always seen it, and pi day isn’t a very serious thing. To be a bit more accurate, pi is the lowercase Greek character, so that’s the justification. Really it’s just habit. We write month/day/year, so 3/14/YY. March 14, 2015 was a great day in the annals of useless date-based trivia, and I celebrated it greatly.

I think I had toast or something.

Anyway, as we dive into a cesspool of what will no-doubt become natinoalistic diatribes (actually, I just won’t approve any comments on this post) we lament those who lose from pi day: everyone who writes day/month/year. April doesn’t have 31 days, so they’re out of pi luck. I guess they could have pi on 3 Jan, 2014, but that comes but once a century. Lament with me. That’s 99% less pi.

People who write year, month, day, don’t get pi day but once a century either, as 2003/1/4 is past and 2103/1/4 is coming. I don’t know anyone who writes YY/DD/MM or Y/DD/MM. I am sorta curious, though.


Effort moves the keys. Inspiration comes out of movement. Discipline keeps the keys moving.


Mwahahaha. A review and sale. My evil power is growing.

Also, I gotta be clearer at a few points. I’ve got a scheme, but that doesn’t do me any good if it just looks like typos.

Time to post Amber/ME and go to the mountains.

Goblin draught

Welcome to Wednesday, my dudes.

I suppose Thursday arrived by now, but Wednesday remains a state of mind, a place in my heart. Wednesday remains for me the day, and on this day I give thanks to Wednesday.

Tell me if you figure out my trick this post.

But as we, in the course of endeavor, come to find that our time rolls inexorably onwards, like a high-velocity floor mat carrying us into the future, only the date and time changes. All else remains equal. We see moving lights and colors, hear the events on autoplay videos imbedded into news stories we only wanted to read, and subjugate ourselves to the merciless torment of social media. Life continues. Time changes little, and things continue. While confinement to a flat circle builds walls around us that trap and chase us through time, we never the less must fight ruthlessly and relentlessly against habit. We must battle, and we must win.

Unnatural and yet unobvious, goblins speak in this manner. That idea excites me. My next book will run with it, for the idea has potential. It requires a retcon, but authorship fails to spark joy if we prohibit ourselves from minor games. Play games with words like basketball players dribble their balls, and the twitteratee mock the world. Cry havoc and loose the dogs. Please yourself.


The neighbors unforunately rented an apartment in an active volcano. This is very sad. From time to time the floor of their apartment fills with lava, as one would expect, and this induces the appropriate amount of screaming from their children.

As things go, that isn’t bad.

Edit: Jokes aside, I actually really like this kind of noise. It’s nice; it means things are okay.